Feb 26, 2008

So. . . No More Pills. . . Or What?

O.K. I read an article today with this headline "The anti-depressants aren't working".

"The researchers looked at the four most widely used anti-depressants, including Prozac and Paxil. They reviewed data on 47 clinical trials. Some of that data was unpublished. The researchers used freedom of information laws to get access to it. They concluded that in most cases, the drugs had more or less the same effect as placebos. The drugs only proved really beneficial for a small group of severely depressed patients. GlaxoSmithKline, which makes Paxil and Eli Lilly, which makes Prozac, both rejected the study as insufficient. But a spokesman for Britain's Royal College of Psychiatrists said the message was clear -- that drug companies must be compelled to publish all the data from their clinical trails."

According to www.politics.co.uk the study was published The Lancet, a British Medical Journal. The Lancet report claims that for most users, anti-depressants are only as effective as placebo.

What's odd is that I on a whim I had tried cut me dose by a third. Then I cut it down to one third of the original dose. Then I ran out and forgot to get it refilled. Prior to this I have drastically altered my diet and begun using enzyme supplements. I also exercise more, and frankly I'm putting far more effort into my Christian faith.

I also have been using ankle weights and other sensory integration stuff.

The last several days I had lots of joint pain, but my thoughts are nearly as repetitive and I'm not as bothered by crowds. Just recently I stood in a line and shook hands with about 750 people. I survived it.

Maybe I don't need a refill on my SSRI.

That said, I absolutely rely on my Tricyclic so that I can sleap at night.

I make no recommendation for anyone else dosing strategy, but it is good to read and study and investigate diet and exercise. Diet and exercise have a clear link to emotional health and Aspie survival. Also, take some time to study sensory integration issues. I suggest the book "Too Loud, To Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight". I've used a number of the authors suggestions, and have found them calming.

Big, Big help is investing more of my time, energy, and attention into my Christian faith. I've taken more time to consider the claims of Jesus Christ, and the Bible writers. I've started to read a passage from the Bible and then study the cultural context in which it was written. In that sense the passage comes alive with meaning. Then there is a method for considering what the timeless teaching is that transcends any culture. It has provided a clearer sense that Jesus Christ is God, is the savior, and that living for Him is the best most enjoyable way to live.

My faith experience has been transforming. I would venture to say that my faith experience, more than any other treatment method, has guided me into better mental/emotional health and provided a means to reduce my medication.
